You’ve found my little nook of the Internet, and I think that’s so cool! I’m a dark fantasy romance author, mother, wife, homeschool teacher, dyslexia tutor, obsessive reader, holistic living pursuer, and dragon lover.
I live on a little farmstead right outside a small town in North Dakota. (Yes, that little flyover state just below Canada) with my husband and three boys. We grow all the things, homeschool our three boys, and enjoy every day of rural life with our dogs, cats, and chickens. Next up, I'm working on convincing my husband we need goats and ducks.

My Story
Where to start? I've always loved to write, but becoming an author was just a dream. It was never something I thought would happen. I changed majors so many times in college from psychology to surgical technician to business management. As I got married and started a family, I wanted to stay home with my babies, and I lost myself in motherhood for a while. Three boys three in under is hard, and for a season, that was my identiy.
We went through some hard times. We lost babies. We struggled financially. We walked through the dark, and there were days I wondered if the light even existed anymore. But I believe that beauty can come from even the harshest of ashes, and one of the things that came from that was making sure we’re not waiting for the timing to be just right. I stopped caring about what other people thought of me and started LIVING, and part of that is pursuing dreams.
So, nope, I didn’t go to school for writing. In fact, my business degree I finally obtained is firmly sitting in my rarely used pile. I’ve done various jobs over the years from bank teller to legal secretary to barista to boutique owner to stay-at-home mom. Each and every one of those things taught me something, and I’m grateful for them. But even more so, I’m so grateful to the authors who went before more. Who started writing in their thirties and forties. Who paved the way for women who wanted to pursue their dreams. Who broke down the walls of the publishing world to make that dream more attainable.
And I’m grateful for YOU! For the people who found me when I was slinging skirts in my LuLaRoe days (yep, I did that!). For the people who loved me hard through the loss of our two girls. For the readers who have discovered me since I started sharing Scarlett’s story with the world. To the community that has continued to support and encourage me along the way. This is me telling YOU that I’m cheering you on too! Chase your dreams! It’s NOT too late!
Cheers to you and to giving zero fucks about what anyone else has to say about your dreams and goals. You’ve got this!
XO- Melissa
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