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Book Related Questions

How do I get on your ARC/Street Team?

My ARC/Street Team generally opens 6-8 weeks before a release. I announce openings across my social media accounts a well as in my newsletter. There is a form to fill out to apply, and you are notified by email if accepted.

Will The Reaper be on audio?

No. The Reaper is a short 26k word novella. It is simply not cost effective to have one produced right now, but it is available to read on Kindle Unlimited and paperback.

Is the Darkness Series available in a box set?

While I do offer them as a set in my author shop, they are not available as a box set. They likely never will be as the cost to an indie author who prints on demand would be quite high, which would increase the price of a box set by quite a bit.

How many books are planned for The Legacy Series?

The Legacy Series will be a four book series.

Licensing and Merchandise

How do I get licensed to sell merchandise related to your books?

All merch questions and discussion goes through my assistants. You can email them at: Once you reach out to them, they will get you more information and guide you through the process.

Author Collabs & Newsletter Requests

How can I be featured in your newsletter?

I love promoting fellow authors! Please fill out THIS FORM and my PA will be touch with you shortly! 

Giveaway Collaborations:

I am always open to participating in promotional giveaways! Please reach out to my PA at​

Other Common Questions

Do you have an agent? 

I am represented by Katie Shea Boutillier and Donald Maass Literary Agency for all rights. She can be reached at:

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